Innovative Water Disin­fection

Hydro­biomed is your con­tact for inno­vative and con­tem­porary water disin­fection in the swim­ming pool, in industry and for drin­king water.

Swimming pool
Drinking water

Welcome at Hydro­biomed

We are experts for inno­vative and contem­porary water dis­infection in the swimming pool, in industry and for drin­king water.

The idea worked on and per­fected for years to develop an environ­mentally friendly and at the same time effec­tive water dis­infec­tant on the basis of a non-toxicsodium hypo­chlorite has become reality with making the product BAXERO® ready for market. BAXERO® offers an eco­logically and eco­nomically valuable alter­native to existing dis­infection methods.

As a client you can expect quality, relia­bility and dis­cretion. Contact us and we will be happy to advise you.

Your Hydrobiomed team


Water dis­infection on the basis of a pH-neutral and non-toxic sodium hypo­chlorite.

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System & Tech­nology

Our certi­fied system guaran­tees imme­diate product avail­ability via self-produc­tion.

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